Friday, 14 September 2012

The first proper guitar which had strings was made around the year 1256 using animal gut. In 1551, guitars acquired four strings and later developed five. Guitars now have six strings which are tuned in the order of E-A-D-G-B-E. Guitar strings were originally made from animal guts until 1646. In this year nylon strings were introduced to the manufacturing process of guitars.
When steel strings were introduced to the process a new genre was introduced, rock. Along with this came the Fender and Gibson electric guitar. This was first invented by Adolph Rickenbacker in the 1920s in L.A. the setup was finished in 1931 and it was a wooden guitar with six steel strings. It was completely finished by 1941.
Les Paul and the Gibson company joined forces so to speak to create the Gibson Les Paul guitar around the 1950s. In the 1900s string makers began experimenting with bronze, nickel and steel to make the strings for electric guitars. There are two main types of strings; wound and plain. The wound strings have wounded metals around a core to make a strong string. It is made at different thickness to create different vibrations for different notes. The other is plain which is one metal usually made from steel, nylon or animal gut to create the same vibrations as wound strings.

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