Thursday, 13 September 2012

The guitar starts in ancient central Asia and Indian. The tanbur, setar and sitar are it’s earliest versions. They are now part of the family to the modern versions in the Asian region. Usually they are created from various woods and animal guts were used to make the strings. They are now more commonly made from nylon or steel. Arabic قيثارةر qitara, is from the Latin cithara. It came from ancient Greek kithara which can be traced back to Persian, tar, which means strings.
In different European countries, all the translations for the English word guitar, come from the Spanish word guitarra. Examples of this are the German word gitarre and the French word guitar. These all come from the Arabic gitara.The vibrations of the stings create the tone which is increased by the wooden or aluminium body which is like an amplifier. Electric guitars have a target audience with pop culture, it is creating an influence which is making the guitar more interesting in music. The classical guitar used to be played as a solo instrument. It’s played using a fingerpicking technique.

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